Documents and resources for the 2021 SSBCI Allocation
American Rescue Plan (ARPA) Act – Title III, Subtitle C—Small Business (SSBCI)
On March 11, 2021, President Biden signed The American Rescue Plan Act, which provided $10 billion to fund the State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI). SSBCI will fund state, territory, and Tribal government small business credit support and investment programs.
Policy Guidelines
The SSBCI Policy Guidelines is the controlling, interpretive document for the SSBCI Program. The SSBCI program does not have regulations, and this document serves a function similar to regulations under other federal programs.
National Standards for Compliance and Oversight (National Standards)
The document sets forth national standards for the compliance and oversight responsibilities of Participating States. The Act requires Treasury to establish minimum standards for Approved State Programs. The Act and the Allocation Agreement require Participating States to comply with the National Standards. These standards are a complement to, but not a substitute for, the requirements set forth in the Act, the Allocation Agreement, and the SSBCI Policy Guidelines. The national standards are carefully worded to indicate which items are requirements and which are recommendations or best practices for states to consider. Prior versions of the National Standards are posted below:
Frequently Asked Questions – SSBCI Capital and TA Grant Programs (Updated 8/26/2024)
These are Treasury's responses to frequently asked questions related to SSBCI’s Capital and Technical Assistance programs. The FAQs are updated often and serve to clarify the requirements set forth in the SSBCI Policy Guidelines.