Technical Assistance and Best Practices

The following information relates to the 2011-2017 SSBCI and has not been updated based on 2021 SSBCI rules and program guidance.

2011-2017 Program Allocations & state contacts

Best Practices

​To strengthen SSBCI-funded programs in states across the country, officials administering high-performing programs met to compile best practices for supporting America's small businesses.

Observations and Lessons Learned Reports

For State Loan Programs

Filling the Small Business Lending Gap: Lessons from the U.S. Treasury's State Small Business Credit Initiative Loan Programs, prepared by the Center for Regional Economic Competitiveness
the Executive Summary and the full report

For State VC Programs

Information and Observations on State Venture Capital Programs: Report for the U.S. Department of the Treasury and Interested Parties in the State Small Business Credit Initiative, prepared by Cromwell Schmisseur, LLC
the report

Technical Assistance for Financial Institution Lenders

Click hereto get an overview of SSBCI for lenders. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency(OCC) created a dedicated page on its website with an overview of the program and FAQ. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) answered frequently asked regulatory question here.

Program Profiles

SSBCI has developed design profiles of eligible programs

Webinars and Conference Calls

