Technical Assistance Resources

Program Footprint

OTA executes projects in nearly 50 countries (see map below).  While the specific number of projects and countries fluctuates from year to year, OTA has focused on providing even deeper assistance to fewer countries.  This selective approach recognizes the complex, systemic nature of public financial management and the importance of engaging with a counterpart government in various disciplines—tax administration, budget execution, debt management, financial sector supervision, and anti-corruption—both simultaneously and in a coordinated way to achieve more convincing results and a stronger overall system.

Treasury's Technical Assistance Footprint

text version of footprint

OTA's current engagements

Program Brochure

Report to Congress

OTA's annual Report to Congress provides an overview of program activities.  The report includes information on program organization, funding, and the process for selecting and implementing projects, describes changes in the program's global footprint, and summarizes project-specific highlights.  Please select a report below.
