TIC D Form and Instructions

Current Form D and Instructions (NEW, 12-20-2022, one change in the Form) that are in Effect for reports as-of December 2022 and afterwards.
  • (NEW, 12-20-2022, one change) Form D (in Effect for reports as-of December 2022 and thereafter) Holdings of, and Transactions in, Financial Derivatives. (The only change from the previous version, that was in effect for reports as-of December 2013 through September 2022, is the name change from Swaziland to Eswatini in the country list for Africa.)
    • On 12-20-2022, one change is made in the Country List on the Form: the name “Swaziland” is changed to “Eswatini”. The TIC country code is unchanged because this is just a name change. This revision applies to all TIC reporting forms. This revision is effective for quarterly reports as-of December 2022 and afterwards. [FYI: Previously, “Swaziland” was before Tanzania in the country list for Africa; now “Eswatini” is before Ethiopia in the county list for Africa.]
  • Instructions for Form D, effective January 2019 and afterwards.
    • A clarification in section IV.A “Specific Instructions for Part 1/over-the-counter contracts”, specifies that a central counterparty clearing house (CCP) is not considered an organized exchange for purposes of the TIC D report.
    • Other changes: (1) “Intermediate holding companies (IHCs)” are listed in section I.C “Who Must Report/consolidation”. The listing formalizes the reporting change that was effective beginning January 1, 2015, under Regulation YY, 12 CFR 252. (2) The glossary items are moved to the separate consolidated TIC Glossary document that is available on the Treasury website; the new appendix E contains a link to the TIC Glossary. (3) Updated are: (a) section I.E “where to report”; (b) some internet links; (c) some page numbers; and (d) descriptions of “other statistical reports” in section I.B.
  • The following is more information on the new lists of countries and foreign official institutions:
    -- Geographical Classification (revised for reports beginning November 2022 and afterwards) with codes for foreign countries, areas, and organizations.
    -- Selected foreign official institutions (revised for reports beginning November 2022 and afterwards).
  • (UPDATE, 01-31-2022) Form D and Instructions were renewed by OMB. There were no changes since the update of 10-19-2018 except a change in the expiration date to January 31, 2025. The Federal Register Notice of March 19, 2021, proposed no changes in Form D or the instructions.
Expired Form D (in effect for reports as-of December 2013 through September 2022):
  • Form D (effective for reports as-of December 2013 through September 2022) Holdings of, and Transactions in, Financial Derivatives.
  • (UPDATE, 4-5-2019) There were no changes in the form since the update of 10-19-2018 except a change in expiration date to December 31, 2021. The Federal Register Notice of May 2, 2018 proposed no changes in Form D or the instructions.
  • In 2013, there was an update of the country list on the Form. That revision of the country list for all TIC reporting forms was effective for quarterly reports as-of December 2013 through September 2022.
Expired Instructions (in effect for reports as-of end-June 2012 through December 2018):
Expired Form D and Instructions (in effect for reports as-of end-June 2012 through November 2013):
  • Form D , Holdings of, and Transactions in, Financial Derivatives. Effective for the reports as-of end-June 2012 through November 2013. There were no changes in the reporting requirements for the rows. The titles of two rows in Part 1 were changed to clarify what is to be reported: the title of row 2.a was changed to FORWARDS AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE SWAPS from FORWARDS, and row 2.b was changed to CURRENCY SWAPS in place of SWAPS.
  • (Corrections: 6-14-2013) The form was updated to the new country list. (11-1-2013) The order of the two names in country code 3647-1 was changed to read "St. Barthelemy and St. Martin". (11-26-2013) Several minor changes were made on the cover page of the form: (a) the expiration date was corrected in the upper box on the right-side column; (b) in the "notes" box in the right-side column, the four notes were numbered 1 through 4; and (c) a reference to E.O. 11961 was included in the “Legal” box in the center column.
  • Instructions for Form D (effective for reports as-of end-June 2012 through December 2018). The reporting deadline was shortened from 60 calendar days to 50 calendar days following the report’s as-of date. The other changes in the instructions were not substantive. Vertical bars in the text show the changes made from the March 2009 instructions.
  • Federal Register Notice of September 2011 invited comments from the public by November 14, 2011. The proposed changes were described in the section called "Current Actions". OMB approved the revisions for Form D in May 2012.
Expired Form D and Instructions (in effect from March 2009 through March 2012.):
Additional Information:
Seminar Information:
A Training Seminar on TIC Form D was held for respondents in 2007 at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
The TIC Form D is part of the Treasury International Capital (TIC) data reporting system, which is required by law (22 U.S.C. 286f; 22 U.S.C. 3103; E.O. 10033; 31 C.F.R. 128), and is designed to gather quarterly and reliable information on the cross-border holdings of financial derivatives and on net settlement payments resulting from transactions in financial derivatives. This information is necessary for compiling the U.S. balance of payments accounts and the U.S. international investment position, and for formulating U.S. international financial and monetary policies.
Who Reports on the Form D:
All U.S. resident participants in derivatives markets that hold large amounts of financial derivatives contracts with foreign resident counterparties. (See Part I.D of the instructions for list of organizations included).
Historical Forms and Instructions:
  1. Previous Form D , Holdings of, and Transactions in, Financial Derivatives(effective for reports as-of June 2006 through Dec 2008). The only change in the form was an expanded list of countries in the country column; the instructions were unchanged.
  2. First Form D (effective for reports as-of March 2005 through March 2006).