IRA-Related Tax Guidance

Last updated July 25, 2024

U.S. Code SectionTax Incentive or PolicyMost Recent Information
Energy Generation and Carbon Capture
§ 45Production Tax Credit for Electricity from Renewables (beginning construction before 2025)
§ 45YClean Electricity Production Credit
§ 45QCredit for Carbon Oxide Sequestration
§ 45UZero-Emission Nuclear Power Production Credit
§ 48Investment Tax Credit for Energy Property (beginning construction before 2025)
§ 48EClean Electricity Investment Credit
§ 48(e)Low-Income Communities Bonus Credit Program
§ 25ECredit for Previously-Owned Clean Vehicles
§ 30CAlternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Property Credit
§ 30DNew Clean Vehicle Credit
§ 45WCommercial Clean Vehicle Credit
§ 45VClean Hydrogen Production Credit
§ 45XAdvanced Manufacturing Production Credit
§ 48CAdvanced Energy Project Credit
§ 6426Extension of Alternative Fuel Mixture, Biodiesel, and Renewable Diesel Credits
§ 40BSustainable Aviation Fuel Credit
§ 45ZClean Fuel Production Credit
§ 25CEnergy Efficient Home Improvement Credit
§ 25DResidential Clean Energy Credit
§ 45LNew Energy Efficient Home Credit
§ 179DEnergy Efficient Commercial Buildings Deduction
Credit Monetization & Bonus Credit Provisions
§ 6417Elective Pay (also known as “Direct Pay”)
§ 6418Transfer of Certain Credits
 Energy Communities
 Prevailing Wage & Apprenticeship
 Domestic Content
§ 5000DExcise Tax on Sales of Designated Drugs
Tax Reforms
§ 55 - 59Corporate Alternative Minimum Tax (CAMT)
§ 4501Excise Tax on Repurchases of Corporate Stock