Direct Component Multiyear Implementation Plans Accepted by Treasury
Eligible Entity | Treasury Acceptance Date | Revision Status | Direct Component Contribution to MYP (Estimated Total) | Entity Website |
Alabama | 11/19/2018 | Initial | $192,416,759.00 | Alabama |
Bay County | 08/01/2024 | Amendment - 05 | $9,670,342.00 | Bay County |
Bay County | 10/12/2023 | Amendment - 04 | $9,908,650.00 | Bay County |
Bay County | 01/25/2022 | Amendment - 03 | $8,608,650.00 | Bay County |
Bay County | 09/15/2020 | Amendment - 02 | $8,108,650.00 | Bay County |
Bay County | 04/02/2018 | Amendment - 01 | $7,405,241.00 | Bay County |
Bay County | 05/05/2017 | Initial | $7,405,241.00 | Bay County |
Calcasieu Parish | 11/05/2020 | Initial | $2,116,894.60 | Calcasieu Parish |
Cameron Parish | 07/20/2018 | Amendment - 01 | $612,829.21 | Cameron Parish |
Cameron Parish | 11/19/2015 | Initial | $354.803.79 | Cameron Parish |
Charlotte County | 03/08/2016 | Initial | $726,453.00 | Charlotte County |
Citrus County | 07/19/2018 | Initial | $1,874,150.00 | Citrus County |
Collier County | 11/29/2017 | Initial | $1,532,077.76 | Collier County |
Escambia County | 02/16/2024 | Amendment - 03 | $33,780,911.00 | Escambia County |
Escambia County | 08/16/2021 | Amendment - 02 | $23,828,650.00 | Escambia County |
Escambia County | 06/25/2020 | Amendment - 01 | $20,828,650.00 | Escambia County |
Escambia County | 10/20/2017 | Initial | $8,638,650.00 | Escambia County |
Franklin County | 04/21/2023 | Amendment - 01 | $8,500,000.00 | Franklin County |
Franklin County | 01/22/2020 | Initial | $220,000.00 | Franklin County |
Gulf County | 01/31/2024 | Amendment - 04 | $10,324,466.75 | Gulf County |
Gulf County | 08/08/2023 | Amendment - 03 | $10,231,584.47 | Gulf County |
Gulf County | 12/21/2018 | Amendment - 02 | $7,342,900.00 | Gulf County |
Gulf County | 06/12/2018 | Amendment - 01 | $2,800,000.00 | Gulf County |
Gulf County | 02/17/2017 | Initial | $2,780,970.88 | Gulf County |
Hernando County | 07/18/2019 | Amendment - 01 | $586,000.00 | Hernando County |
Hernando County | 08/06/2015 | Initial | $569,500.00 | Hernando County |
Iberia Parish | 11/23/2020 | Initial | $1,173,740.00 | Iberia Parish |
Jefferson County | 02/22/2019 | Initial | $1,523,742.00 | Jefferson County |
Jefferson Parish | 11/23/2023 | Amendment - 01 | $11,875,000.00 | Jefferson Parish |
Jefferson Parish | 08/17/2017 | Initial | $3,078,326.03 | Jefferson Parish |
Lafourche Parish | 09/13/2018 | Amendment - 01 | $1,519,247.00 | Lafourche Parish |
Lafourche Parish | 02/18/2016 | Initial | $1,323,970.00 | Lafourche Parish |
Levy County | 05/17/2018 | Initial | $1,545,576.00 | Levy County |
Livingston Parish | 06/11/2018 | Amendment - 02 | $2,000,000.00 | Livingston Parish |
Livingston Parish | 10/25/2017 | Amendment - 01 | $856,879.29 | Livingston Parish |
Livingston Parish | 01/08/2016 | Initial | $561,895.49 | Livingston Parish |
Louisiana | 04/11/2021 | Amendment - 02 | $260,970,986.60 | Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority of LA |
03/17/2017 | Amendment - 01 | $81,969,002.00 | Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority of LA | |
Louisiana | 09/21/2015 | Initial | $34,400,000.00 | Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority of LA |
Manatee County | 09/13/2022 | Amendment - 01 | $1,711,309.00 | Manatee County |
Manatee County | 12/11/2017 | Initial | $1,545,309.00 | Manatee County |
Mississippi | 06/18/2024 | Amendment - 07 | $226,785,026.73 | Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality |
Mississippi | 05/02/2023 | Amendment - 06 | $202,366,431.41 | Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality |
Mississippi | 05/12/2022 | Amendment - 05 | $174,160,000.00 | Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality |
Mississippi | 04/27/2020 | Amendment - 04 | $136,590,000.00 | Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality |
Mississippi | 06/19/2019 | Amendment - 03 | $120,240,000.00 | Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality |
Mississippi | 07/16/2018 | Amendment - 02 | $99,340,000.00 | Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality |
Mississippi | 07/05/2017 | Amendment - 01 | $80,940,000.00 | Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality |
Mississippi | 05/19/2016 | Initial | $54,100,000.00 | Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality |
Monroe County | 04/06/2016 | Initial | $1,184,925.50 | Monroe County |
Okaloosa County | 06/14/2024 | Amendment - 03 | $64,328,026.21 | Okaloosa County |
Okaloosa County | 04/21/2021 | Amendment - 02 | $11,652,906.70 | Okaloosa County |
Okaloosa County | 11/15/2019 | Amendment - 01 | $11,615,902.39 | Okaloosa County |
Okaloosa County | 06/30/2017 | Initial | $5,365,902.39 | Okaloosa County |
Orleans Parish | 03/11/2022 | Initial | $4,338,942.99 | Orleans Parish |
Pasco County | 07/31/2019 | Amendment - 02 | $1,582,000.00 | Pasco County |
Pasco County | 10/04/2018 | Amendment - 01 | $1,082,000.00 | Pasco County |
Pasco County | 07/17/2015 | Initial | $962,000.00 | Pasco County |
Pinellas County | 12/07/2015 | Initial | $1,548,310.00 | Pinellas County |
Plaquemines Parish | 09/21/2018 | Amendment - 02 | $8,826,400.13 | Plaquemines Parish |
Plaquemines Parish | 06/02/2017 | Amendment - 01 | $3,500,000.00 | Plaquemines Parish |
Plaquemines Parish | 04/10/2015 | Initial | $2,057,198.00 | Plaquemines Parish |
Santa Rosa County | 03/19/2021 | Amendment - 02 | $15,515,531.00 | Santa Rosa County |
Santa Rosa County | 09/16/2019 | Amendment - 01 | $3,024,217.35 | Santa Rosa County |
Santa Rosa County | 05/16/2017 | Initial | $3,712,355.00 | Santa Rosa County |
Sarasota County | 10/04/2018 | Initial | $1,874,091.00 | Sarasota County |
St. Bernard Parish | 11/04/2020 | Amendment - 03 | $6,580,720.00 | St. Bernard Parish |
St. Bernard Parish | 06/18/2019 | Amendment - 02 | $4,315,720.00 | St. Bernard Parish |
St. Bernard Parish | 11/15/2018 | Amendment - 01 | $4,294,970.00 | St. Bernard Parish |
St. Bernard Parish | 05/30/2017 | Initial | $1,910,650.00 | St. Bernard Parish |
St. Charles Parish | 02/06/2025 | Amendment - 01 | $912,736.06 | St. Charles Parish |
St. Charles Parish | 01/17/2018 | Initial | $390,283.56 | St. Charles Parish |
St. John the Baptist Parish | 07/02/2021 | Amendment - 02 | $538,684.84 | St. John the Baptist Parish |
St. John the Baptist Parish | 08/09/2019 | Amendment - 01 | $328,799.29 | St. John the Baptist Parish |
St. John the Baptist Parish | 11/21/2016 | Initial | $219,782.12 | St. John the Baptist Parish |
St. Martin Parish | 05/12/2020 | Amendment - 01 | $835,000.00 | St. Martin Parish |
St. Martin Parish | 10/30/2019 | Initial | $665,000.00 | St. Martin Parish |
St. Mary Parish | 09/19/2022 | Initial | $982,361.58 | St. Mary Parish |
St. Tammany Parish | 10/28/2015 | Initial | $933,988.34 | St. Tammany Parish |
Tangipahoa Parish | 09/10/2018 | Amendment - 02 | $1,166,442.00 | Tangipahoa Parish |
Tangipahoa Parish | 09/15/2017 | Amendment - 01 | $674,571.00 | Tangipahoa Parish |
Tangipahoa Parish | 08/28/2015 | Initial | $574,705.49 | Tangipahoa Parish |
Taylor County | 03/09/2018 | Initial | $4,076,136.00 | Taylor County |
Terrebonne Parish | 11/02/2020 | Amendment - 02 | $4,113,416.00 | Terrebonne Parish |
Terrebonne Parish | 04/29/2019 | Amendment - 01 | $2,935,525.00 | Terrebonne Parish |
Terrebonne Parish | 11/13/2017 | Initial | $2,700,386.04 | Terrebonne Parish |
Texas | 12/18/2017 | Initial | $114,165,820.00 | Texas Commission on Environmental Quality |
Vermilion Parish | 05/16/2018 | Amendment - 01 | $793,037.99 | Vermilion Parish |
Vermilion Parish | 06/24/2016 | Initial | $594,579.12 | Vermilion Parish |
Wakulla County | 10/29/2019 | Amendment - 01 | $4,376,277.00 | Wakulla County |
Wakulla County | 09/26/2018 | Initial | $1,200,000.00 | Wakulla County |
Walton County | 09/16/2019 | Amendment - 02 | $11,164,682.26 | Walton County |
Walton County | 04/01/2019 | Amendment - 01 | $6,584,268.92 | Walton County |
Walton County | 08/17/2017 | Initial | $6,471,391.53 | Walton County |